When What You Know - No Longer Works For You

Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Did you ever watch one of those TV movies reportedly based on actual events?  There is always a disclaimer that says the names have been changed to protect the innocent.  Does your life ever feel like that?

Every decision you make in your life is based on a memory.  Sometimes those memories are good and sometimes not so good. How many times have you told yourself – this time will be different.  I know better.  I’ve learned my lesson.  I don’t want to go through that again.  The question remains – do you really KNOW better?  Deep inside where it really counts?  How do you really feel?  Do you believe you deserve better?  Or do you end up doing the same thing, reacting the same way, asking the same questions?  Does your “story” ever really change?

Is the life you are living now working for you?  You have the power to rewrite your story.  No one else can do that for you but you don’t have to do it alone.  You’ve already taken the first step by choosing to make a change.  Step two is finding the right modality, or form of healing, to make the changes as easy and painless as possible.  During your search for the right modality, you need to determine if you are willing to be actively involved in your own well-being and whether you willing to open up and share your inner most secrets with someone else?  

If not, maybe self-help tapes or meditation can connect you with your inner desires.  If you said YES, I am willing to be involved, I am willing to be honest and open – then the search for the right modality and the right practitioner begins.  Don’t be afraid to ask for support or referrals from family or friends.  Do your homework – call around or look up the therapies you are drawn to on the internet.  Which one feels “right?”

Will it be body work – such as Polarity, Cranial-Sacral massage, Reiki or other touch/energy therapy to release stuck energy and emotions in your body?  Maybe it is  Hypnosis or Guided Imagery to let go of past life, stress, anxiety, fears, phobias or other traumatic memories being held in your subconscious?  Do you need someone who will ask the right questions so you can find the answers within and for yourself – call a Life Coach.  Is a spiritual connection missing from your life?  Will a traditional religious doctrine bring you the peace you desire or is there another way?  Or is it easier than that?  Maybe you would like to see if you can get off some of the prescriptions you are taking.  Talk to your doctor.  

Tell him or her you would like to use Lecithin instead of the “statins” you are taking for your high cholesterol. 

If you are pre-diabetic, check into using the herb “Gymnema” to balance your sugar levels. 

Are you dragging in the middle of the afternoon and you really need a pick me up to finish that project?  Avoid that caffeine based energy drink.  Instead, inhale an organic essential oil with stimulating properties – like a citrus aroma.

If you are having trouble falling asleep at night, try Melatonin or if you can’t seem to stay asleep, Valerian may improve your dream time. 

If daily stress has you feeling worn down or run over, you might want to try Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng) or Licorice Root.  Both have an affinity for the adrenal gland which is where your stress response comes from.

Looking for a new way to wind down after a hard day at work?  Skip that beer and go for a relaxing cup of Chamomile tea.  Your brain and your waist line will thank you.

When you go out shopping for herbal remedies, look for products that contain the whole herb.  Many herbal formula brands will have a label that says the herb has been “standardized”.  A standardized herbal formula has one or more constituents present in a specific, guaranteed amount.  The intention behind the standardization of herbs is to guarantee that the consumer is getting a product in which the chemistry is consistent from batch to batch.  

Unfortunately, while scientists can isolate many constituents from an herb and discover how particular chemicals may act in the body, they inadvertently remove or overlook other constituents that may contribute to the activity of the whole herb. 

As a result, standardization may concentrate one constituent at the expense of other potentially important ones, while changing the natural balance of the herb’s components.  Another reason for standardizing herbal formulas is financially based.  A whole herb formula cannot be patented.  Without a patent, there are no proprietary claims to the formula.  With a standardized herbal formula, the company can apply for a patent to protect their formula and keep other companies from copying it. 

Most herbs are safe for everyone; however, if you are currently taking medications, make sure you consult your medical doctor and a natural practitioner if your doctor is not educated on the use of natural remedies.  Herbal formulas are considered nutritional supplements and are, therefore, not controlled by the Food and Drug Administration.  For this reason, any information provided is intended for the education of the reader not as a means of diagnosis, treatment or cure.       

These are just a few of the paths to wellness you can choose from.  Remember, you did not build the road you are on in one day and finding the best “crew” to repave that road may not happen overnight.  Trust yourself and your intuition – it will never mislead you.  That intuition also applies to what’s going on with the members of your family.  Seek out a knowledgeable practitioner if you have any questions.   

Feel free to answer any of the above questions, or pose new ones, in the comments section below or email me, at mary@marymernsberger.com, for a more personal response.  Check out my website at http://www.marymernsberger.com.   I look forward to continuing this conversation.


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