When What You Know - No Longer Works For You
Every decision you make in your life is based on a memory. Sometimes those memories are good and sometimes not so good. How many times have you told yourself – this time will be different. I know better. I’ve learned my lesson. I don’t want to go through that again. The question remains – do you really KNOW better? Deep inside where it really counts? How do you really feel? Do you believe you deserve better? Or do you end up doing the same thing, reacting the same way, asking the same questions? Does your “story” ever really change?
Pebbles in Your Heart
Have you ever gotten a small pebble in your shoe? There is that annoying pressure every time you take a step. After a while, the annoyance turns to irritation as that little pressure turns to pain. Suddenly you have to stop what you are doing to take off your shoe and shake out that little pebble. Did you ever want to laugh when you see how really small that pebble is compared to the pain it was causing?
Relationships in our lives can often go through periods where it feels like there is a little pebble in our heart, just sitting there, rubbing us the wrong way, causing pain and sorrow. Unfortunately, we are unable to take our heart out and shake it. Care must be taken or that little pebble can turn into a large block or obstacle to new relationships or to the relationship you have with your inner self.
A Perspective on the Truth & Your Health
What is the truth? Everyone seems to have an opinion and to them, their opinion is the way it is – their truth. In most cases, the only one the person that opinion can hurt is the person themselves. But what if that ‘truth’ comes from a place you were raised to believe in? How would you know?
In the last two years, the truth – or at least what we have been led to believe is true – has been blasted to us from every channel on our televisions and radios. And we have no reason to doubt what they have been saying … do we? What if the ‘truth’ they are sharing is only one part of the whole story? What if the other part of the story would cause them serious financial harm if the ‘whole truth’ came out? It has happened before. Could it happen again?
The Science Behind
The School Lunch and Test Score Connection
In the writing of this essay, several studies were reviewed to obtain the groundwork, including studies that clearly showed a direct correlation between food quality and learning. Of all the studies identified through the use of the LIRN and Google Scholar databases, none were found that presented information clearly opposing the topic. As a result of the research, a hypothesis was formed showing improved nutrition in school food programs would create an overall increase in standardized test scores by improving the internal learning environment.
Essential Oils as a Treatment for Psychiatric Disorders
This essay explores two peer-reviewed articles that explored the potential uses for essential oils in the therapeutic treatment of psychiatric disorders. As anxiety is recognized as one of the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorders, studies with a focus in this area were chosen.