On Friday evening, about a week later, the head teacher approached me and asked when I would be bringing in my son’s meds. I told her that I had no intention of drugging my son. Knowing that I was a single parent, that I needed this program for childcare while I worked all day, she said, “If you don’t bring in the meds, I may have no choice but to expel him from this program.” I knew she noticed the expression on my face by the smile on her lips. I took my son home, having no idea whether I would have childcare for the remainder of the summer. Later that night, as I lay awake having no idea what I would do, a radio host introduced his guest - an attorney for child related legal issues. Taking a chance, I called in the 800 number and surprisingly was connected to the attorney. After relaying my story, the attorney explained that in Missouri, parents were free to refuse medical treatments that were considered ‘non-life-threatening’. He explained that because Head Start was a federal program, the head teacher had no authority to expell my son from the program. He had the radio station provide his contact information and told me he would be more than happy to talk with me again if the teacher pressed the issue any further. On Monday evening, when I arrived to pick up my son, the head teacher approached me about the medications. I explained to her than I had spoken with a lawyer and was now aware that she had no authority to expel my son. At that point, knowing she had been found out, she simply said good night. Nothing further was said as the last few weeks of summer ended and my son started kindergarten at the local elementary school. About a year and a half passed with no mention of ADHD from any of his teachers. Then we moved to Mesa, Arizona. It was about a week after he started at his new school that I received a call from the principal requesting I stop into her office at my earliest convenience. The following morning, I stopped in and she asked me when I would be bringing in my son’s ADHD meds. I asked her what she was talking about since my son had never been on any kind of behavior drug. She told me that his school record stated he had been diagnosed with ADHD and was supposed to be taking Adderall. I attempted to explain my perspective on the ‘diagnosis’ and the principal was less than interested. I told her I would not be medicating my son. Over the next 2 years, the calls to my work and disciplinary actions against my son created an unbearably stressful environment. Finally, after the school threatened that they would get Child Protective Services involved, I caved in - I medicated my son. Little did I know that the battle had just begun. No parent or child should be pressured into that position. I knew there had to be another way. So I went back to school to find out how.
I have a master’s degree in complementary alternative medicine, a master’s in education, a bachelor’s in health and wellness, and 2 associates’ in mind-body psychology and western herbalism. I am excited to be completing my certification as a Holistic Nutritionist. I am a member of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP). I intend to become Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition (BCHN). I have authored 4 books:
Parenting Consciously: Out of the Box Solutions for Nurturing Your Authentic Child
Recognizing the Greatness in Each Child: Because Learning Differently Doesn’t Mean Learning Disabled
Plants vs Pills: Natural Solutions to the Over-Drugging of America's Youth
un-Broken Children: Removing Labels – Restoring Health & Wellness
I am one of the co-authors of the International Best-Seller, My Big Idea Book from Expert Insights Publishing & Viki Winterton.
Now I offer parents drug-free answers to the ‘why’ of their child’s disruptive behaviors in home and school environments so all family members can enjoy healthier lives while reaching their full authentic potential – holistically. I empower the children to recognize their personal authenticity and genius.
As a nutrition consultant, non-fiction author, writer, speaker and Alternative Medicine practitioner, my goal is to help parents identify the root cause of the behaviors that are disrupting the home and school environments. Together out of the box solutions are identified empowering parents as they partner with their authentic children to restore balance in everyone's life.
Using my extensive background and expertise in alternative medicine, I promise to be a fearless advocate for truth in food and the rights of today’s authentic children to have access to the best, most nutritious foods possible. This begins with me showing you how eating healthy can be affordable. I promise to continue researching new discoveries in the science of nutrition as it relates the holistic family. I promise to teach you how to make eating healthy a fun family affair – showing families how to shop – design meals – and even cook together – even the littlest members of the family. And, I promise to honor the individuality, and authenticity, of each client, empowering them to live life at their best and healthiest – holistically.
My authentic children are now grown. My daughter and older son live in Florida with my four grandchildren and my youngest son lives nearby in Western North Carolina. I share my homestead with my three kitties, Pebbles, MoJo and Bella.