Raising An Authentic Child
What does it mean to be authentic? Dictionary.com defines authentic as:
1. Genuine or Real
2. An origin supported by unquestionable evidence
3. Representing one’s true nature or beliefs; True to oneself
4. Entitled to acceptance or belief; Reliable; Trustworthy
Those born since the mid to late 1980’s are coming into their own authentic nature as they begin to recognize the authenticity of their own children and the young people around them. Today’s authentic children are born meeting everyone of the definitions above. They are meant to, and are capable of, living and teaching others how to live authentically given the chance.
If these authentic traits are suppressed at a young age, these children will often rebel as a means of getting your attention. They will refuse to show respect unless respect is shown to them. They often refuse to do tasks without a clear understanding of the purpose behind the task. This particular trait shows up predominantly in the classroom. Performing just because someone tells them to is met with inattention. Gone is the mindless obedience of prior generations.
Take the time to talk with your authentic child and then listen to their responses. Avoid judging. Instead use this opportunity to get to know the real soul, the true nature of the Creator as expressed through their genuine origin.
If you are blessed to be a parent or grandparent of one or more of these authentic children, acknowledge their air of entitlement for what it is – an inner knowledge of where they came from and an even deeper knowing of what they came here to do. The confidence these children are born with will stay with them provided no one squelches their true nature by attempting to control them.
I know what you’re thinking. Your mind is telling you that it is your job as the parent, guardian, or adult to impart your knowledge to them, to teach them how to behave, what to learn, how to show respect. What we tend to forget is that given the chance, these children came here to teach us, to show us how to live in peace, without judgment, without labels, and how to tap into the Universal knowledge available to everyone.
Are you ready to demonstrate your authenticity for these children and for the world as a whole? Now is your chance.
Feel free to answer any of the above questions, or pose new ones, in the comments section below or email me, at mary@marymernsberger.com, for a more personal response. Check out my website at http://www.marymernsberger.com. I look forward to continuing this conversation. Contact me to schedule a time to talk. Invite me to your group or school for a chat.