There Really Is Only One Mother & What You Can Do To Help Preserve Her
Whether you accept the idea that everyone and everything that lives on this planet have only one mother, Mother Earth, may depend on how you were raised. For humans to survive, we must rely on food that is grown, in one form or another, on the Earth. That means, the Earth is our Mother. Simple concept – yes?? I believe it should be. One perspective of science tells us that life on the 3rd rock from the sun began millions of years ago as single celled amoeba and through the process of evolution, eventually evolved into homo sapiens. Whether you believe that concept or you follow the concept of creationism really has no bearing on how our species has evolved/grown through the millennia. Without Mother Earth, nothing would have survived.
Unfortunately, we seem to have forgotten the gift of life we received because over the last several centuries we have shown no gratitude for this gift but instead we have created newer and ‘better’ ways to destroy her. Science has determined that we only have another 60 years of soil remaining if we continue to use the same destructive measures commonly used each day. This specifically refers to Big Ag and it’s process of tilling up the Earth, which destroys the life (microbes) within the soil, planting genetically modified seeds, coated with pesticides and herbicides which continue the killing process, and then heavily spray these same crops with even deadlier pesticides and herbicides in the name of food production. These same chemicals were used during the Vietnam War in deadly formulas such as Agent Orange which killed off everything it was sprayed on. Sadly, many soldiers who found themselves in its path developed cancer and other diseases directly related to these chemicals. Sadly, these ingredients are still used in products like Round-Up. Is their end desire to kill everyone and everything off and leave our Earth empty and decimated?
Hopefully, you are reading this post because you want to help Mother Earth. You have a desire to protect her, to restore her glory, and to teach others what they can do to help too. Here are a few ideas:
1. Show your support by using your dollars. Only spend your money on products made by companies that have a tract record of protecting Mother Earth.
2. Educate young people, from kindergarten on up, about the environment and ecology of our planet with three primary goals: a) the skills needed to demonstrate environmentally safe behaviors; b) make knowledge about nature more readily available; and c) understand and support the nature of a child’s relationship to nature (Podanyova, et al., 2020).
3. Shop at environmentally conscious stores, farmer’s markets, and local establishments. You will be supporting your local economy and lowering your carbon footprint.
4. Bring your own reusable shopping bags with you. The less plastic we use the better for the earth and especially it’s animal inhabitants (Rurangwa, 2016).
5. Grow your own fruits and vegetables (Arsenault, 2014). Even if you have a very small yard or a concrete patio, you can use square foot gardening or container gardening techniques. Nothing tastes better than something you’ve grown yourself. This is also a great way to get your children involved while helping them understand where real food comes from.
6. If you are unable to grow your own fruits and vegetables, buy organic, regenerative, or biodynamic foods. Many people worry about the cost of organic, however, when you are eating nutrient rich foods your body needs less. Health improves, weight diminishes, you are consciously saving soil, and you will be saving a ton of money on healthcare. If you give your body the nutrients it needs to operate at it optimum level it can heal anything.
7. Stop buying bottled water. Water was meant to be free. You can buy filters that attach to your showerheads and kitchen faucets. I’ve had a Purr filter on my kitchen faucet for more than 25 years. There are many kinds to choose from.
8. Spend time in nature. Our younger generations are nature deficit. The energy from Mother Earth has the ability to balance our own human electrical system. Recent scientific studies have shown grounding to benefit individuals diagnosed with mood disorders, inflammation, muscle damage, cardiovascular disease, and chronic pain (Lockett, 2019). Simply walk outside, barefoot, or lie down in the grass, for 20-30 minutes each day. You may be surprised at how good you feel. This practice will nurture a respect for and a love of the outdoors.
These are just a few ideas you can use to become more Earth conscious. It is time we all showed the younger generations how important it is to love our ‘Mother’.
Arsenault, C. (2014). Only 60 Years of Farming Left If Soil Degradation Continues. Retrieved from the Scientific American website at
Lockett, E. (2019). Grounding: Exploring Earthing Science and the Benefits Behind It. Retrieved from the Healthline website at
Podanyova, T., Sazonova, N., Tokareva, M. (2019). Formation of the Ecological Culture Basics in Preschool Childhood. Retrieved from the Atlantis-Press at - DOI:
Rurangwa, C. (2016). 7 Simple Ways to Preserve Mother Earth. Retrieved from the Odyssey website at