If It’s Not Broke – Why Are You Trying To Fix It?

Did you ever notice how quick we, as a society, look for what’s wrong in the daily situations we find ourselves?  We have been raised to first look for or plan for the “worst” and “hope” for the best.  That way, if we get anything better we can be “thankful.”  Do you really need a reason to be thankful?  The same applies to people, especially children.  If they fail to behave in certain ways, they must have some type of disorder.  Why is it unacceptable for individuals to march to the beat of their own drum?  When did expressing creativity and imaginative thought become wrong?  Why is being energetic, instead of being a couch potato or a video game zombie, a bad thing?

Can you imagine the world without the telephone?  What about electricity, or the light bulb or Disneyland?  How about the telescope or E=mc² and the automobile?  Then there’s the airplane, chewing gum and “Star Wars.”  Do you know what all these inventions have in common?  The inventors all exhibited the “symptoms” of ADD or ADHD.  Some of our most recognizable musicians, actors, artists and sports legends share these traits – such as: Beethoven, Mozart, Stevie Wonder, George Burns, Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, Van Gogh, Picasso, Hemmingway, Babe Ruth, Magic Johnson and Greg Louganis. The list could go on and on. There are politicians, philosophers and scientists.

What if these creative “lights” had been extinguished or locked in a box because they were different?  What if all of these people had been given a little pill so they would act and be like everyone else?  Where would we be today and where will we be tomorrow if we continue to “fix” what isn’t broken in the first place?

More than 50% of children around the world that are or have been prescribed these mind-altering “medications” are in the United States alone.  What does that say about the potential future of our country?  Ten years ago, in 2004, the FDA ordered a “black box” warning label to be included in antidepressant and stimulant medications stating that the use of these medications may lead to suicide, violent, aggressive or psychotic behaviors.  In addition, they may cause heart attacks, strokes or sudden death.  Suicide, in children as young as 5 years, has been tied to the use of these pharmaceuticals, which are classified as Schedule II drugs.  This means they have the same potential for addiction as cocaine, opium and heroin. 

Scientists are still unable to diagnose any of the childhood mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders these drugs are used to treat.  No blood test, x-ray, brain scan, urine test, or chemical imbalance test that will provide a “cause” of these disorders. 

Over the years, the prescribing of these medications to children has increased to such an extent that some states have stepped up, presenting other options, beginning with the Colorado State Board of Education who, in 1999, passed a precedent-setting Resolution that asked school personnel to use academic rather than drug solutions to resolve problems with behavior, attention and learning. Since then, state legislatures, school boards and national organizations have responded to the need to protect children from arbitrary and forced psychiatric labeling and drugging, and to monitor the prescription rate of stimulants and other psychiatric drugs for children.  On 12/18/03, the State of Arizona went another route and passed HB2024 which states; “A child whose parent, guardian or custodian refuses to put the child on medication or questions the use of a psychiatric medication shall not be considered abused, neglected or dependent for that reason alone.”  In 2006, Arizona went one step further by requiring parental “informed consent” before mental health screening of their children could take place.

Since public personalities, like Jamie Oliver, have stepped up to point out that one of the biggest problems in schools today is the food our children are being fed in the lunchroom.  The lunch tray is filled with high carbohydrate and over-processed foods that create a sugar high and then, within an hour or so, a hard crash that shows up as distraction, sleepiness, or aggression.  Even the schools that offer breakfast hand out sugar laden cereals or pre-heated waffles dripping in artificially flavored “syrup” and then expect the children to be alert and attentive. 

What if schools were to partner with local farmers and spend even a portion of their food budget on fresh, whole foods that are high in nutrients, including the protein needed for focus and concentration?  Educate yourself, talk to your school administrators.  There are many free sources of nutritional information available on-line.  If enough parents stand up and demand whole foods, the school districts will have to listen and the schools will need to find another means of financial support besides the “labeling” of their students.  Yes, it is true.  In 1991, the Federal Government, after cutting educational funding, offered states another option.  For every child that can be “diagnosed” with some type of learning disorder, they will pay an additional $400.00 per child.  Did you know your children were being used as a means to raise the funds to keep the schools open?  How is it possible that we pay professional athletes millions of dollars and yet our schools, the institutions responsible for educating the next generation of leaders, are left to raise funds by focusing on a child’s weakness instead of taking advantage of their strengths? 

There are options out there.  Look for the fewest ingredients possible in the foods that you buy.  If you can’t pronounce the ingredient, you probably shouldn’t be eating it yourself or feeding it to your family.  Ask your doctor if there is a natural remedy you can try instead of the prescription he is about to write.  Ask your family and friends for recommendations.  Start the conversation.  Remember – your children are the future of your community and this country.  Give them a chance to be who they were created to be, a chance to express the innate genius within each child. 

Feel free to answer any of the above questions, or pose new ones, in the comments section below or email me, at mary@marymernsberger.com, for a more personal response.  Check out my website at http://www.marymernsberger.com.   I look forward to continuing this conversation.



Zombie 101


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