Happy Life? Gotta Love Your Liver First

            It's tough to be happy when you feel angry, frustrated, impatient, and/or indecisive all the time.  So stop complaining and start loving your liver.  The liver is the one organ in your amazing body that has the ability to regenerate up to one-forth of itself if you cut that part out.  You have to admit that is pretty cool.  The liver filters 540 gallons of blood every day.  That's a lot of work.  Since the average human body holds about five liters of blood that means the liver filters all of your blood over one hundred times a day. 

            What does having a happy life have to do with the health of your liver?  It is all about how the energy flows through your body.  The energy you create based on the types of food that you eat.  Do you eat healthy, organic fruits and vegetables?  Or do you eat conventionally grown fruits and vegetables that have been doused in a variety of pesticides and herbicides, maybe genetically modified, grown on nutrient depleted soils, or processed with a slew of artificial colors, flavors, and ingredients?  Keep in mind, you're asking your liver to filter out all of those chemicals.  How many years of filtering do you think your liver can do before it starts to struggle?  A great example of liver congestion is when the whites of your eyes are bloodshot.  Then comes energy draining reactions like you've been feeling.  I mean, do you react when someone says or does something, or do you respond?  If you find yourself reacting, your liver might be congested.

            There are some great foods (remember organic) you can add to your meal plans that can help heal your liver.  They are olive oil, avocado, lemon, garlic, carrots, bok choy, oranges, almonds, and legumes.  Herbs and supplements that help restore balance in liver function include milk thistle, burdock root, yellow dock, and lecithin.  And remember, you need to drink around half of your body weight in clean, clear, filtered water every day.

            Remember – Love your liver – Love your Life.  No time like the present to get started. 




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