An Apple A Day
Do you remember ever hearing "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"? I think most of us did as we were growing up. Did you believe it? Surprise, it is true. And it is all thanks to an amazing little nutrient in the apple called 'Quercetin'.
Quercetin is a flavonoid and flavonoids are phyto (plant) chemicals that offer health benefits for humans. Quercetin's claim to fame is its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants act like little magnets as they roam around the body pairing up with free radicals that could otherwise damage your cells and DNA. Quercetin even works to combat the histamine response during allergy season.
Five Easy Ways to Keep a Urinary Tract Infection Away
If you've ever had a urinary tract infection (UTI) then you know how painful they can be. Every time you have to pee, it burns. The urine can smell really bad, have blood in it or be an off, cloudy color. You might feel like you have to suddenly pee but then when you get to the bathroom hardly anything comes out. You could even run a fever. No matter what symptoms you experience, none of them are any fun.
Pebbles in Your Heart
Have you ever gotten a small pebble in your shoe? There is that annoying pressure every time you take a step. After a while, the annoyance turns to irritation as that little pressure turns to pain. Suddenly you have to stop what you are doing to take off your shoe and shake out that little pebble. Did you ever want to laugh when you see how really small that pebble is compared to the pain it was causing?
Relationships in our lives can often go through periods where it feels like there is a little pebble in our heart, just sitting there, rubbing us the wrong way, causing pain and sorrow. Unfortunately, we are unable to take our heart out and shake it. Care must be taken or that little pebble can turn into a large block or obstacle to new relationships or to the relationship you have with your inner self.
Simple Steps for Family Health
When the media starts talking about the cold and flu season, where do your thoughts go? Are you checking your medicine cabinet for an array of over-the-counter medications? Are you on the phone with your primary care physician or the local drug store getting ready for a flu shot?
What if I told you that with a few simple steps and an overall change of mind, you could avoid all of the above? Would you believe me? It’s true.
The Science Behind
The School Lunch and Test Score Connection
In the writing of this essay, several studies were reviewed to obtain the groundwork, including studies that clearly showed a direct correlation between food quality and learning. Of all the studies identified through the use of the LIRN and Google Scholar databases, none were found that presented information clearly opposing the topic. As a result of the research, a hypothesis was formed showing improved nutrition in school food programs would create an overall increase in standardized test scores by improving the internal learning environment.
Essential Oils as a Treatment for Psychiatric Disorders
This essay explores two peer-reviewed articles that explored the potential uses for essential oils in the therapeutic treatment of psychiatric disorders. As anxiety is recognized as one of the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorders, studies with a focus in this area were chosen.