Is your child struggling in the school or home environment and you have no idea what to do? I offer no-nonsense solutions that will help.
I specialize in working with parents of young people who have been labeled with learning or behavioral disorders, like ADHD, CD, ODD, DMDD, or IED, who are looking for drug-free, no-nonsense solutions to restore balance to their homes and families.
Why Me?
Because I’ve Been There ….
Hi - My name is Mary M. Ernsberger, also known as the No-Nonsense Nana. I started out, over 20 years ago, searching for answers, for knowledge, to help my son, to help me – as a parent – and to help other families out there. No child, parent, or family should feel threatened to ‘fall in line’ with the status quo. I was a single mom raising 3 amazing authentic children - just doing the best that I could with the information I had available to me, like many of you reading this right now. All I wanted to do was to raise happy, healthy children – and I thought I was. Then, my youngest son was labeled with ADHD, after a 15-minute interview, and that all changed.
This label led to a decade of judgment from teachers, administrators, and bullying from classmates. Despite his IEP, his strengths were overlooked, his weaknesses were ignored, all leading to an educational disconnect. For example, in 5th grade, he excelled in reading, testing at an 11th grade level outside of school, yet he was placed in remedial reading classes and being told that was impossible because he had ADHD.
Continued on About Page ……
Today’s children are special. They are doing everything in their power to tell us that they are different. The last thing these children need are to be drugged. They need us to recognize their individual genius - their AUTHENTICITY - now more than ever.
I can help - See the No-Nonsense SOLUTIONS I offer below!
The No-Nonsense Nana Mary M. Ernsberger, CHN, MS, M.Ed.
Holistic Nutrition
It’s in the food - and - it’s NOT your fault!
Health begins with the nutrients you feed your body. Learn how to make the most of what you eat.
Family Coaching
I’m here to support you one step at a time - one change at a time. Coaching is a resourceful tool that supports personal, family, and lifestyle changes.
Hypnosis & Guided Imagery
Through deep relaxation and the use of imagery, changes can successfully be made to unconscious behaviors.
Supplement Evaluation & Emotional Support Solutions
Custom flower essence and essential oil blends restore balance on a deeper emotional level.
Herbal Assessment
Herbal formulas are often able to support the body in place of or as a companion to pharmaceuticals.
Your Child Was Never Born To Be Your Mini-Me - Respect Their Authenticity
Check out the video below for more on parenting this unique group of children…
“Tell Me - I Forget
Show Me - I Remember
Involve Me - I Understand”
— Chinese Proverb
Are You Ready to Get Involved?
Are you ready to demonstrate your authenticity for children and for the world as a whole?
Now is your chance.
Contact me to schedule a Complimentary 45 minute Consultation.
Invite me to your group or school to find out how you can support this generation of AUTHENTIC children as they grow.