Decisions, Decisions
At the beginning of every new year its nearly impossible to stop yourself from reviewing the happenings from the year that has just passed. During your review, do you find yourself second guessing the decisions you made? Do you go even deeper and subconsciously beat yourself up for your actions?
It is really important to keep in mind that the decisions you made were based on the information you had available to you at the time. You may now have more information, your perception of the circumstances may have changed, or you may have decided to own the prior decisions. What ever the reason, you now have gained additional knowledge so be proud that you have the ability to make better choices.
How often do you allow the opinions of others to sway your decisions? Do you have family or friends who are really good at guilt tripping you?
Maybe one of the first decisions you make in this new year will be to honor your own desires, to respect yourself by refusing to allow others to manipulate you through the use of guilt trips. Make 2023 your year of self-respect. Often, resolutions are made to make changes to physical aspects of your body. But we are so much more than the physical. We are mental, emotional, and spiritual beings too. Maybe it’s time to treat your whole person, beginning with a resolution to honor your desires for the coming year.
Decide to Decide in Your Favor
Choose to Choose You
Refuse to Accept Being Bullied
Allow Your Voice to be Heard
Know Your Truth is Worth Sharing
This applies to your family members too, especially your children. Teach them at an early age about the importance of respecting their thoughts and feelings on all topics. Teach them to never blindly believe what they see or hear from an adult. Teach them to listen to their heart - question everything that fails to ring true. All of these lessons can be taught to be done with respect and compassion. It is important that our young people learn these lessons now. It’s much easier to learn a new practice than it is to try and undo years of mistaken beliefs.
Feel free to answer any of the above questions, or pose new ones, in the comments section below or email me, at, for a more personal response. Check out my website at I look forward to continuing this conversation.