Beginning Steps to Better Grades
Did you know that what you eat can truly support your efforts to get good grades in school? It is true. Over the last several decades, the United Stated education ranking has continued to drop in mathematics, reading and science. Not surprising, this same drop in national ranking correlates with the increase in processed foods, artificial ingredients and genetic modifications being made to the food we eat. So what’s a person to do? Here are five easy steps you can take to get you on the right track.
Step 1: Don’t buy anything that has more than seven (7) ingredients in it – and make sure you know what every ingredient is. Yes, shopping is going to take a bit longer than usual – at least until you get to know the food you are eating on a more personal basis.
Step 2: Buy organic when you can. If money is an issue – and for most of us it is – at least commit to buying the fruits and vegetables on the Dirty Dozen list from the organic section of your grocery store. This list is available for free online and as an app for your Android or iPhone. These are the fruits and vegetables that have the highest concentration of residual pesticides and herbicides on them – and potentially in them.
Step 3: Avoid foods that make health claims or that never rot. The only reason to ‘add’ nutrients to any food is because during processing the real vitamins and minerals were destroyed. When one of these new food products can sit on your shelf or get lost in the back of your pantry for years and when you find it, it still looks the same as it did the day you bought it, something is wrong. How can a food that never goes bad really be good for your body?
Step 4: Drink water. Wow – that sounds easy. The problem arises when we ingest the highly chemical “water” that comes out of our kitchen faucets. If you are concerned with the environment and don’t want to add to the plastic in the landfills, invest a little in a filter that will fit on your faucet. Add a slice of fresh lemon to your morning water too. Lemon actually alkalizes in your body, helping to balance the blood’s pH levels.
Step 5: Eat Food – Mostly Plants. Michael Pollan said that in his book, “In Defense of Food”. There are thousands of studies that show that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of developing and eventually dying from the majority of Western diseases. Plants provide us with protective antioxidants and omega-3’s, and are less energy dense than most other things we can eat. This allows humans to eat more with a considerably less caloric impact.
As you clean up your food supply you will notice an amazing change in how you think and feel. These are just the beginning steps on what you can do to improve your grades