My Services



Through deep relaxation and the use of guided imagery, changes can successfully be made to unconscious behaviors, such as food choices, self-esteem beliefs, and stress responses. You or your child will be able to identify the source of personal beliefs to determine whether you are still being served by those thoughts. Clinical hypnosis is safe for all ages. I have successfully worked with children as young as 5 and adults into their senior years.


Coaching - Adult, Child & Family

Coaching is a resourceful tool to bring your family together. By including an impartial witness to your communication efforts, both parent and child will be able to ‘see’ the situation from the each one’s perspective. Coaching offers support as conscious changes are being made in one’s life, empowering you to get to know, to be, your authentic self. As a coach, I will never tell you what or how to do something. Instead, I will offer a variety of suggestions that will enable you to make an informed choice about the next steps in your conscious journey. I will be there as an accountability partner to witness as you follow through the steps you design to create the family life you most desire.


Herbal & Supplement Evaluation

Looking for drug-free alternatives? Curious about how to do a liver cleanse? Ready to break the cycle of a family history of disease? During your herbal consult, I will evaluate your food diary, review your medical history, identify personal wellness goals, and provide herbal formulation recommendations. The consult will take place over two meetings.

A nutritional supplement evaluation looks at your health and wellness goals, and provides recommendations on the supplements that best support the goals you seek to achieve.

Complementary formulas can also be recommended if you are seeking to reduce the number of pharmaceutical prescriptions you are currently taking.

As I am not a medical doctor, always check with your physician before making changes to your prescription medications.


Other Support Therapies

Whole plant herbal formulations are extremely effective at restoring the body’s natural physical equilibrium while custom flower essence blends restore balance on a deep emotional level.

If you are seeking spiritual direction, I offer intuitive readings with guidance from Ezekiel - a Guardian of the Akashic Records.

Do you wonder whether you are walking the path that offers you the opportunity to achieve your greatest desires? Your toes will tell. Through these processes, you will discover how your thoughts, feelings and beliefs present in your life, and how they impact the way you treat yourself and how other's perceive you.

You can also learn how to create your own wellness garden. A Wellness Garden can grow plants used as remedies for specific health ailments, provide your family’s favorite veggies, or even grow everything you need for homemade salsa. Square foot garden plans are available in print or video format, including materials needed and instructions on assembly, plus the plant or seed spacing requirements. Custom designs are also available.