Mission Statement

Brighter Tomorrows has a mission designed with a higher purpose - to empower families and young people to a healthier future through holistic nutrition.  Families must have access to the information that allows them to overcome the abundance of negative commercial messages aimed at their children that actually support unhealthy eating habits that have led to increasing numbers of children diagnosed with life altering diseases and disorders.  In order for future generations, and the families that support them, to reach their full potential; simplified solutions will make it easy for families to make healthy food choices every day. 

I promise to be a fearless advocate for the truth in food and the rights of today’s authentic children to have access to the best, most nutritious foods possible, beginning by demonstrating how eating healthy can be affordable.  I promise to continue researching new discoveries in the science of nutrition as it relates the holistic family.  I promise to teach you how to make eating healthy a family affair – showing families how to shop – design meals – and even cook together – even the littlest members of the family.  And, I promise to honor the individuality, and authenticity, of each client, empowering them to live life at their best and healthiest – holistically. 

It is time for a wellness pandemic – One child at a time, one family at a time, one classroom at a time, one school at a time, one community at a time, until we have one world filled with healthy, happy people.

Core Values

Be Honest and Transparent:  Through education and simple solutions never cause harm

Teach the Moderate Diet Perspective: Through the re-creation of meals focusing on nutritional value instead of caloric count

Practice Positive Communication: Teaching young people how to recognize their own self-worth and being authentic to themselves

Always Listen to My Heart: With compassion and forgiveness, Spirit will always direct me to the decision that is in the best interest of those I have chosen to serve

Repetition: Learning opportunities for young people, their parents, teachers, and school districts – It is time to tell anyone that will listen – over and over and over if need be

Always be Humble & Kind: Never allow my ambition to override what is best for my clients

Recognize our Similarities and Celebrate our Differences: Each individual deserves to be valued for their authenticity – even if we think differently

Trusting & Believing: Trusting in myself and my education – Believe that I will be a success as a Holistic Nutritionist

Be Solution Orientated: Never Give Up - Practice Win – Win – Win – Win

Win:  I win because I finally trust and believe in my ability to follow my purpose – I am fulfilled when I see the light return to the eyes of a young person who is beginning to recognize their worth – I am fulfilled when one less child is drugged and instead is given healthy, organic food, clean water, and the nutrients they need to reach their full potential.

 Win:  The children and their parents win when one less child is demonstrating behaviors that would have previously gotten them labeled as ‘broken’.

 Win:  The school community wins because school test scores rise, funding increases without having to falsely label children with learning disorders just to get enough money to run the school.

 Win:  The whole world wins because the young people of today will be running the world tomorrow.  If we fail to teach them to be solution oriented, where will the world be?