I offer parents drug-free answers to the ‘why’ of their child’s disruptive behaviors so all family members can enjoy healthier lives while reaching their full authentic potential – holistically.

“Tell Me - I Forget

Show Me - I Remember

Involve Me - I Understand”

— Chinese Proverb

What Does it Mean

to be Authentic? 

  1. Genuine or Real

  2. An origin supported by unquestionable evidence

  3. Representing one’s true nature or beliefs; true to oneself

  4. Entitled to acceptance or belief; reliable; trustworthy

Are All Kids Authentic?

All children are born knowing who they are, as spiritual beings, and knowing that they came to this lifetime for a specific reason.  Today’s authentic children are born meeting every aspect of the definitions above.  They are meant to, and are capable of, living and teaching others how to live authentically, if they are given the chance. 

Decades ago, very few children lived their authenticity as most were taught to respond to society’s expectations.  This generation of authentic children are more than willing to stand firm in their knowing, ready to demonstrate what it means to truly be authentic – to live in non-judgment, to live without labels, and to show everyone how to tap into the Universal knowledge available to all.  Will you give them the opportunity?

Today’s Parents

Individuals born, beginning in the mid to late 1980’s, are now being called upon to consciously acknowledge their own authentic nature as they begin to recognize the authenticity of their own children and the young people around them.  As a parent, there is an innate desire to demonstrate a conscious awareness for your children – even if you have yet to identify the direction of your own path. 

If you are blessed to be the parent or grandparent of one or more of these authentic children, who is feeling thoroughly confused by their demands, you are not alone!  The key to nurturing your authentic child is learning, directly from them, what makes them tick.  Most of today’s parents just need a little help to understand  (1) what my child’s behaviors are trying to tell me and (2) how to involve them in the solution making process.

Why Do Authentic Children Rebel?

What kind of rebellious behaviors can I expect to see from my authentic child?

  • They refuse to show respect – unless it is shown to them.

  • They refuse to show blind obedience.

  • They are naturally opinionated – they want to be heard.

  • They are fearless and filled with confidence.

If you recognized one or more of the above behaviors, you likely have an authentic child!

Not to worry — Help has arrived!

Check out the video below for more on parenting this unique group of children…

Are You Ready to Join the Movement?

Are you ready to demonstrate your authenticity for children and for the world as a whole? 

Now is your chance. 

Contact me to schedule a time to talk.  Invite me to your group or school to find out

how you can support these children as they grow.