
Learning Mary Ernsberger Learning Mary Ernsberger

Rewriting the 3 R's

Schools used to stress the learning of the 3 R’s – Reading, wRiting, and aRithmatic. Teachers were able to take the time to discover the special learning process each child used and actually formulate lessons addressed to every child in their class. There was really a time when “no child was left behind.”

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The Science Behind

The School Lunch and Test Score Connection


In the writing of this essay, several studies were reviewed to obtain the groundwork, including studies that clearly showed a direct correlation between food quality and learning.  Of all the studies identified through the use of the LIRN and Google Scholar databases, none were found that presented information clearly opposing the topic.  As a result of the research, a hypothesis was formed showing improved nutrition in school food programs would create an overall increase in standardized test scores by improving the internal learning environment.    

Essential Oils as a Treatment for Psychiatric Disorders


This essay explores two peer-reviewed articles that explored the potential uses for essential oils in the therapeutic treatment of psychiatric disorders.  As anxiety is recognized as one of the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorders, studies with a focus in this area were chosen.